
Green Bee-eater

A quick update while I take a break from the madness that is 'Songkran.' It seems to be the Thai New Year, or something? All I see is a nationwide water fight that lasts 3 days and enlists 60 million residents of this whacky country. The point is that no holiday in the history of mankind comes close to the joy of Songkran, its just that sanook.

I have seen a couple species of Bee-eaters while in Thailand, my first being the Green Bee-eater. I was absolutley thrilled seeing one just outside Bangkok, yup, in my rice paddy. Two actually, maybe in love, maybe not, either way its a one way road and a depressing one. If I could give the happy couple any advice it would be bitter, I just hope they use protection.

I must still be a little sloshed from last night, so I googled a pretty picture. Happy Songkran to all and to all a goodnight.

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